Monday, April 12, 2010

A Flea New to Me! Grayslake Antique Market

I was a little apprehensive about another Zurko production after the disaster that was the Wheaton all-night flea market, but when I saw there was a flea market in Grayslake, near where I had been traveling for work recently, I decided to give it a try.

The Grayslake market was small but good. I had to brave it alone since Jen and other friends were otherwise engaged. Arriving to another brand spanking new fairgrounds, I was greeted by a flock of seagulls--literally (not the band).
A lot of the same indoor vendors form Kane County were there, but the market wasn't as crowded, so I actually got to walk around and look at things and talk with vendors. I met a woman who owns a store called Abundance in Hebron, Il. I am excited to stop on my way to Elkhorn.  She encouraged me to buy the table I was eyeing (see below) and is friends with the vendor I call the bubble lady, whi makes bubble charms and charms out of vintage Scrabble tiles and typewriter keys.

One of the outdoor vendors had a table and four chairs for sale. I was sorely tempted, but had no way to get them back to the city. Hopefully I'll see her next month or at Elkhorn.

This great (& great big) fan was blowing and blowing in the wind. At least you knew it turned.
I bought only a couple things. Yet another suitcase, competing for the one I bought at Kane County for my current favorite. It has stickers from a trip to Stockholm on it, great striping and edges, and has two of the orignal owner's ID tags on it, one purchased at Woolworth's for 39 cents.

I couldn't pass up these round glass fridge containers--the vendor made me a great deal!

And finally, it's not vintage, it's not from a flea, but I couldn't resist the look of this ball of twine from Target.

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