Monday, April 12, 2010

A Flea New to Me! Grayslake Antique Market

I was a little apprehensive about another Zurko production after the disaster that was the Wheaton all-night flea market, but when I saw there was a flea market in Grayslake, near where I had been traveling for work recently, I decided to give it a try.

The Grayslake market was small but good. I had to brave it alone since Jen and other friends were otherwise engaged. Arriving to another brand spanking new fairgrounds, I was greeted by a flock of seagulls--literally (not the band).
A lot of the same indoor vendors form Kane County were there, but the market wasn't as crowded, so I actually got to walk around and look at things and talk with vendors. I met a woman who owns a store called Abundance in Hebron, Il. I am excited to stop on my way to Elkhorn.  She encouraged me to buy the table I was eyeing (see below) and is friends with the vendor I call the bubble lady, whi makes bubble charms and charms out of vintage Scrabble tiles and typewriter keys.

One of the outdoor vendors had a table and four chairs for sale. I was sorely tempted, but had no way to get them back to the city. Hopefully I'll see her next month or at Elkhorn.

This great (& great big) fan was blowing and blowing in the wind. At least you knew it turned.
I bought only a couple things. Yet another suitcase, competing for the one I bought at Kane County for my current favorite. It has stickers from a trip to Stockholm on it, great striping and edges, and has two of the orignal owner's ID tags on it, one purchased at Woolworth's for 39 cents.

I couldn't pass up these round glass fridge containers--the vendor made me a great deal!

And finally, it's not vintage, it's not from a flea, but I couldn't resist the look of this ball of twine from Target.

Kane County #1

Kane County started early this year in March. We didn't have high expectations, since the first market of the year is typically cold, muddy, and not well attended.

We had a bit of a surprise. There was mud, but the weather was quite decent, warm-ish, sunny and so delightful after winter. There was a new building at the Kane County fairgrounds, and there were a lot of vendors in it, and new ones to boot. Unfortunately it seems everyone in the tri-county area had the same idea we had--it was butt to gut in the buildings. Hard to see anything with all the people, strollers, kids and lookie-loos.

On our way to a pit stop Jen spied a suitcase for me so great I had to postpone my restroom trip to buy it. Per usual, the hit of the show. My suticases and Jen's flamingoes always garner attention as we roll them around.

We met the Iowa Junk Gypsies, whose name we loved. From them I bought a silk kimono, hand-stiched, absoltutely beautiful. Not for decoration, but great for lounging on cold mornings, 1920s style. A little slate/blackboard hanging from vintage measuring tape made a fun buy too.

Some outdoor shots of the action:

Desperately Seeking a Flea

Back at the end of February Jen and I decided to check out the La Grange Antique market held at the Episcopal Church. Not much to report here, lots of doilies, dolls and pricery items, but a pleasant enough outing. I was the only one to buy one small thing, a tiny creamer.

Feeling pretty empty-handed, we made a circuit of La Grange area antique stores, including Jackson Square Mall, where I came up with quite the haul.  I love their wrapping--so simple but so cute!
One of Jen's favorite booths at Jackson Square had a goldmine of 40s era flashcards.

inlcuding one of our favorites, a collection of 'it' words: it sit little kitten. Soon I will figure out how to work the pig, pie and spoon flash cards onto my kitchen wall.

Also snagged were these pool balls, to provide a nice base for the wee little billiard balls (snooker?) Jen gave me for Christmas.

I induldged my love of turquoise, batter bowls and glassware. The fluted glasses are tiny--not sure if they are cordial or liquer glasses or maybe juice glasses. Also shown, a clock I couldn't resist and the creamer from the La grange antique show. The pitchers are already in heavy rotation for juice and iced tea.