Thursday, June 25, 2009

Arting it up, Old Skool

A couple weeks ago was the Old Town Art Fair in Chicago. And no, a judged art fair in tony Old Town is not the same as a Flea Market, but what I bought includes some flea market-type finds. I spent way more money than I should on this delightful bird statue, with wings made of 1920s tape measures, and little late 19th century cigar labels among other accoutrements.

Luckily I had the bird in hand (ha! punny!) before two drunk cougars approached and started slopping around the table, knocking over the pieces. The artist leaped from her director's chair perch in the back of the tent in a very "Vicki, can I help you with that Kool-Aid? Please?" * moment.

Isn't he cute? Or maybe she. It's unclear. And matters not. I am an equal opportunity art buyer. I would have paid the same were she male or female.

*Many thanks to Merly for googling the correct text of this quotation via IM. Merly, who is my co-worker, looks a little like this, in case you were wondering:

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