Thursday, August 20, 2009

The best Sandwich day ever

Ahhh Sandwich, your clouds, your corn, your bountiful treasures. JC, her sister Laura, and I, set out for Sandwich at the crack of dawn one day (I was later, per usual) and it did not disappoint.

We stopped at our favorite corner for picture taking and a nice Sandwich policeman stopped to make sure we were okay. I pepper sprayed him. Just kidding. JC insisted I get up close and personal with the corn, which was barely to our ankles the last time we were there.

I am extremely uncomfortable.

My father thinks this picture is hilarious.

Started the day out with a bang--actually started the day out with Cracker Barrell, where we gorged on country ham...mmm. And bacon. And grits. And biscuits. Fuel is necessary for Sandwich days. As soon as we arrived, I spied the vintage coke sign I have wanted since last flea season. Only it was sitting with yet another vintage coke sign that was also delightful. Both are from 1945, both are lithographs, both were outdoor art. What to do? Buy them both of course!

The vendor and I had to take a hammer to the remaining glass on the bowling pic. This one currently lives in my hall but it might make it to my booth if I can ever bear to part with my treasures. Oh, and if I ever get a booth.

Except for an oddly high number of creepy lifelike dolls, this month's Sandwich was one of the best. Even though we had Laura's giant van, we ALMOST did not fit all of our goods into the ve-hic-le. It involved several attempts at loading, unloading and reloading the car. I almost had to sit on the roof.

I took my new camera. While JC was contemplating a cabinet bar:

I took a billion pictures of myself in this armoire.

By the way, I'm aware and apologize for the odd layout of this particular post. For reasons I cannot understand, this authoring tool seems to be of the WYSIWTheToolWantsToDo variety. I can't even seem to correct the HTML. Granted, my crack 1997 HTML skills are AWESOME.
Also I am publishing this roughly 5 months late.

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