Tuesday, June 22, 2010

May: Sandwich Antique Market

Off to a slow start this year. May brought only one of us only one flea market. Since Jen was out of town, I went with my friend Tina, who scored some awesome picks including a really old fan that her hubby rewired in a matter of minutes, a tool for making crackers (her culinary feats are far beyond mine) and a great vintage clothes drying rack.

For my part, I spent a little more than I wanted to (shocker), but I couldn't help it. Early on I found a Hudson Bay Company blanket with a turquoise stripe--unusual--I typically don't like Hudson Bay Co. blankets, but this one being turquoise. It was in great shape, and when I circled back at the end of the day I had to take it from a charming man (missing a few teeth) who said he fished it out of his van.

I nabbed a crock to stow some utensils on the counter as well as another wood dough bowl--this one unfortunately covered in some manner of sticky goo I can't get off despite all efforts. On the way out I spied a globe with gorgeous colors and from Replogle, a name I can't say but have passed on the way to Jen's often. Based on the coutnries and some interwebs sleuthing, it seems to be from about 1947. No wonder I love it.
I also found this clipboard, so old it still has letters in the phone number. I thought the name and subject matter hilarious--we eastern europeans need to represent. It will hold a shopping list or recipe on my kitchen wall.

Finally, I also picked upa couple of antique corbels, inspired by Sarah's House (on HGTV), the farm version. They are different colors, but I'm sure I'll figure out something. They would make excellent shelf brackets.