Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And we're off!

Saturday proved to be a bang-up start to the flea market season. We met in the morning for brunch at Blueberry Hill in La Grange, where I had pumpkin pancakes mmmmmm, Jen C had eggs (twice as many eggs as she ordered it turns out), and Steve had...french toast I think (but let's be honest, this isn't about Steve or his breakfast choices).

After much deliberation over whose vehicle to take, we opted for the smaller, both of us claiming we had no intention of buying furniture. uh-huh.

A line of card met us at Farquar Road (it's not called Farquar but I forget what it is every time) waiting to get into the fairgrounds. A couple of hipster guys in JT hats and an alterna-couple, no doubt jonesing for mid-century modern, parked across the street and jaywalked across the 6 lane highway instead of waiting in line. Fools. First rule of Flea Club: the closer your car is to the main gate the easier it is to haul your loot triumphuntly back to the vehicle. And you can shop to the last minutes if you need to bring the car to the vendor (as we did).

Sadly it turns out I have not uploaded my pictures as thought so the next post will contain a tale of our adventures.

In the meatime, please enjoy this picture of blueberry hill. from their site.